Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Christ's Church 10th Anniversary Party

Sept. 19-21 we celebrated the 10th Anniversary of our church. We have been there for 2 years, and are so thankful for our "family" there. We stayed at the Erber's house, and had a great time. Most of the events were right at their house, except Saturday evening we went to the "Ark" for a variety show, pie contest and lots of dancing. We finally learned the Virginia Reel, some kind of Patty-cake dance, and a wagon wheel dance. While at the Erbers we played volleyball, Bocce ball, pinewood derby races, ate lots of yummy food, shot paint ball, sat around campfires, and so much more. Here are a few pictures from the weekend. Enjoy!!

Paint Ball

MMMMMMMmmmmm Pie contest

The production table
Eva's Apple Pie
Britta's Cherry-Berry Pie and Anna's Peach pie
Armin's Pumpkin Pie
All the pies in the contest


Pine wood Derby

The winner is Jonathan Erber

10 Anniversary celebration for Christ's Church

Pie eating contest

Kids' pie eating contest

3-legged race

Variety show at the "Ark"
"Ladies in black"

Hirst's and Geaschels sing and recite the 10 Commandments

Dancing, dancing and more dancing!!

The Hayride back to the Erber's house

Sept. Birthdays 2008

Anna turned 10 on Sept. 10th, Armin 11 on Sept. 11th, and Eva 8 on Sept. 15th.
Happy Birthday you 3!!!